This teacup herb garden makes a charming DIY Mother’s Day gift or a lovely display for your windowsill. Do you have a teacup collection you can use? All you need to add are a few small herbs from the home improvement store.
When I spotted these lovely teacups at my favorite thrift store, I knew I had to have them and find a way to display them. Not only do they look so pretty, but the aroma from the herbs is also amazing.
I have used some of the herbs in my cooking already and plan to freeze some of the leaves to use later. If you have tea cups and saucers, all you need is a quick trip to your favorite home improvement store for the herbs. I chose peppermint, oregano, cilantro, basil, thyme, and mint.
You can have the kids make homemade plant markers out of popsicle sticks, or you can use small silver spoons and permanent markers as an added embellishment.
Everyone who saw this DIY Mother’s Day craft just loved them! These would also make charming favors for a brunch or shower, or as a teacher appreciation gift.
What I used:
Because the teacups don’t have any drainage, they should be misted every other day to keep the herbs alive and fresh. A sunny kitchen windowsill is a great spot to enjoy them and to snip off a little sprig to use in your cooking.
If you have more time, you can grow your herbs from seed. I recommend a dry soil with a thin layer of fine gravel on the bottom of the cups. Be sure and keep the soil moist with a sprayer. You should see growth in 1-2 weeks.
What do you think of our handcrafted DIY Mother’s Day herb garden? What are your favorite herbs to use in the kitchen?
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That’s a great idea, I have all kinds of tea cups, and love fresh herbs. Thanks for the tip.